Energy management of a photovoltaic plant for a sturgeon farming

  • Site: Italy – Brescia
  • Description: The customer needed to monitor the electric consumptions of his sturgeon farming plant located in Calvenano (BS). He wanted a non-invasive solution, easy to install, with a cloud monitoting system.
    The installer Elettrica Faber realized an installation of nr. expansion modules with ethernet interface so as to use the existing network.
    To collect the data a n gatelogger EXCGLA01 was installed through the internet port  80  (without opening specific ports) to send data to the monitoring system Synergy Cloud.
  • Products installed:
    – n. 5 DMG300 with Ethernet processor
    Gateway Data logger
  • Monitoring software: LOVATO Electric SYNERGY Cloud
  • Other companies involved:
    Panel builder – Elettrica Faber
    Electric distributor – CIEB Elettroforniture S.p.A.

For further information about this case and the relevant products installed, please fill the form at this link.