Energy monitoring Enaip site
- Site: Italy – Pasian di Prato (UD)
- Customer: ENAIP FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA www.enaip.fvg.it
- Description: Founded in 1979, EnAIP plays an important role in training and consulting for the development of the human resources.
The installation of an energy management system has a double purpose: to have a control of the enrgy consumptions of its headquarter, divided per functional area and cost center (for example air condition, gym, laboratories…); to have at its own disposal either a show off plant and a teaching instrument through the personalized graphic pages of the monitoring software Synergy Cloud, for the electric training classes of the students.
This second function will allow to answer the need to train the students professionally in term of Energy Management and enviroment sustenaibility.
The solution responds to the costumer’s request in term of ease of installation and possibility of extending the system in the future. - Monitoring software: LOVATO Electric SYNERGY Cloud
- Other companies involved:
Design – FV Progettazione Impianti
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