Student rooms consumption data collection (electricity, gas, water etc…) for billing purposes

  • Site: Belgium – Leuven
  • Description: University of Leuven is provides student houses: 20 blocks with each 8 to 10 appartments. Each block has separate warm water, cold water and gas counter plus a total energy counter.
    An energy meter is installed in each apartment. All pulses are collected on the DMECD model data concentrator and sent over RS485 Modbus to the main counter board, DMG800 model power analyzer.
    DMG800 power analyzer is set as gateway and is connected via ethernet to the local network.
    The University facility manager uses the full resources from Synergy energy management software, showing pages with consumptions per appartment, per unit, only gas, total water, etc… .
    The main objective of the installation is to invoice consumption costs correctly to the students.
    The LOVATO Electric solution has been considered the most suitable thanks to the gateway function of DMG800 power analyzer which transfers on the Ethernet network the DMECD data concentrators connected in RS485, without any need of additional interfaces.
  • Products installed:
    – n. 486 Energy meters
    – n. 25 Multimeters
    – n. 500 Interfaces
  • Monitoring software: SYNERGY LOVATO Electric

For further information about this case and the relevant products installed, please fill the form at this link.