Residential apartment building
- Site: Pakistan – Karachi
- Customer: SAIMA JINNAH AVENUE www.saimabuilders.net
- Desciption: Saima Jinnah Avenue is a complete residential solution. Saima Developers has various State of Art real estate projects in Karachi City including Saima Luxury Homes and Saima Jinnah Avenue. All the projects of Saima Builders got attraction of public and people invest in their projects.
In Saima Jinnah Avenue there are 4 engines installed, each of 250KVA (2 no. Perkins and 2 no. Cummins) equipped with LOVATO-RGK 900SA for parallel operation in island/AMF mode on power bus with load sharing between them.
Generators are synchronized to maintain uninterrupted power supply in case of Utility power failure. One of the major application was Energy Saving by switching on and off Generators according to priority level.
Jubilee Corporation Engineering team successfully commissioned and tested the operation with satisfaction of client. - Product installed:
– n. 7 Engine and generator controllers
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