Energy Monitoring of recycling waste plant

  • Site: Italy – Legnago (VR)
  • Customer: Ecologica Tredi
  • Description: Ecologica Tredi is born in 1998, as a family business, focus of the company was to create a plant to recycle the oil filters of the motor vehicles. Today the company manage the dangerous and non-dangerous special waste, such as oil filters, iron contaminated packages, dangerous waste to be treated, divided and recycled in iron and noniron, industrial waste to be adressed to waste-to-energy plant. The company has always been very innovative and careful toward the work enviroment of its emplyees and their safety.
    The plant covers an area of 11.300 mq, 5.500 of which are covered and the maximum potentiality of the dangerous and non-dangerous waste is of 100.000 ton per year.Thanks to a specialized advisor, the company identified some consumptions to monitor in order to keep them under controls and to find out eventually critical aspects and lacks of energy quality. Through personalized dashboards to have an immediate and intuitive view of the datas and to receive report analysis which are created on the data log of the collected measures, data are constantly monitored to guarantee an efficient control of the energy consumptions and to identify possible way to improve and optimize them.
    One of the main feature of the Synergy System is the scalability, which, beside the positive effects due to the first installation,  has allowed the addition of other monitoring points, in order to detail further the plant energy monitoring system.
  • Monitoring software: LOVATO Electric SYNERGY Cloud
  • Other companies involved:
    – REM Progetti (Project office)
    – Braga Elettroimpianti (Installer)

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